Top 7 Java Technology Trends For 2021

Top 7 Java Technology Trends For 2021

29 November 2021

Gen Z and the Gen alphas think Java is older than stones, and we also feel the same about Java. Java was introduced by Sun Microsystems (which is now occupied by oracle). It appeared in 1995, one of the oldest programming languages,which is still one of the most used programming languages. Java has been a blessing for all of the developers, be it the back-end or the front-end development. As 2021 is about to end, it’s time to make judgments about the Java trends which will thrive in upcoming years. But first, we should figure out what is so amazing about Java, that it is still thriving.

Table of content

  • Why is Java still thriving?
  • Top 7 Java Technology Trends in 2021
  • Spring
  • Big Data
  • Serverless Architecture
  • Integration Testing
  • SaaS and PaaS
  •  Artificial Intelligence-Driven Application
  • Remote Access Solutions
  • Conclusion

Why is Java still thriving?

The main reason behind the popularity of Java is that they have been updating Java as per the requirements of the latest technology trends. On March 16, 2021, the latest version of Java, JDK 16, was released. And Java is a platform that can support many programming languages, because of the increasing use of Java in Data science applications, it’s going to be in demand for several years. Let’s check out the reason that why Java is still young:

  • It is very simple to understand
  • Independent platform
  • Very secure
  • Worker-thread enabled
  • Sturdily Developed
  • Full of a support community
  • High in resource availability
  • It is object-oriented

These were a few reasons why Java is still alive, and it will stay active in upcoming years too. Let us check out the Java trends to stay up to date:

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Top 7 Java Technology Trends in 2021

It’s not us who are making assumptions on our own, a bunch of experts think that these trends will keep Java in demand for the next several years, and the Java Developer will also stay in demand because of that. Now let’s jump into the technology trends:


Spring is the most famous Java framework, and there are various uses of spring. As a developer, you must have heard,  Spring can be used everywhere,  be it streaming platforms or online shopping. Java has expanded its service with various Spring versions such as Spring 5, Spring Security 5.0, and Spring bot 2. With regular updates in Spring, it has been a very lightweight and easy-to-use framework.

When you are working on an application for your organization, Spring could be a brilliant solution for it. Spring includes various services such as cloud applications, microservices, complex data processing systems, and safe and fast web applications. Because of its growing popularity, you can expect it to grow even more in 2021 and in other upcoming years.

Big Data:

There is data everywhere around us, and because everything is on the internet, from shopping to food to education. This leads to the formation of a huge amount of data, and Big data helps us to process, store, distribute and collect them. Every organization which is struggling to grow needs to analyze its data, and that is where Big data comes into play; it processes the data to give us actionable insights.

With Java technology, dealing with the data in big organizations has become very easy. Every other organization is opting for Java’s big data technology because it has a lot of free resources to offer, such as Apache Hadoop, JFreechart, Deeplearning4j, and Apache Mahout. They can help you in increasing efficiency and productivity.  In case of a huge amount of data, you can also work with Cassandra. This data management tool helps in managing large data across multiple servers.

Serverless Architecture:

This ongoing trend will become more and more prevalent in 2021, and in upcoming years, its popularity will grow even more. Do you know why it is called serverless? Because it is a cloud service model, where developers focus mainly on coding and not the infrastructure. However, it does not imply that it’s serverless; the solutions are made on servers only.

The biggest advantage of Serverless Architecture is that while working on it, you don’t have to worry about setting up the machines, updating the operating system, network configuration, and scaling the application. A few examples that use serverless architecture are Amazon, Google, Microsoft. They all offer cloud services which can be called serverless.

Because of the advantages that it offers, experts are quite sure about the fact that it will grow even more in 2021.

Integration Testing:

When you are writing a code, you have to go through it repeatedly to ensure that there are no errors in the code. In some small applications, you can afford to do it physically. However, while working on some big applications on Java, it becomes very time-consuming to check the code again and again, as it will cost you a lot of time, and this will cost you your productivity. The time you spent rechecking the code, you could have spent on other things such as brainstorming ideas to make your application more unique and creative.

However, with Java technology, developers can save their time with the help of various instruments such as JUnit, Robot Framework, Selenium, REST-Assured, and many more.

SaaS & PaaS:

When you are working on cloud-based models such as SaaS and PaaS, you need a language to proceed with your act, and Java is the most used programming language for that purpose. Many growing unicorns have started using these models, which is why it is one of the technology trends that one should follow.

According to Gartner, SaaS or Software as a service is expected to grow to $117.7 billion in 2021. However, PaaS or Platform as a service is predicted to surpass SaaS by 26%. One should surely follow this trend as it could be a profitable opportunity for Java Developers.

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Application: 

Do you want to create an application at a low-cost and easy-to-use platform? Well, you can do it in Java. The popularity of java has grown a ton among the companies dealing with artificial intelligence-driven applications due to its low maintenance and transparency. With Java’s resources, you can create an application or software and also use growth strategies. It is the best language one can use to develop an AI-driven application, which is the big reason behind its growing popularity. In comparison, some think that Java is dead.

With the right strategies, you can use ML and AI for scalability and a resourceful technology that will ensure the success of your software.

Remote Access Solutions:

As covid forced us to stay indoors, which led to an increase in remote working. And it creates a new revolution in the corporate world, as more and more companies are looking for ways to go remote; that is why they are enabling their employees to work at home because it reduces the cost of infrastructure, transport, and other such things.

Java is taking advantage of it, as remote access services have skyrocketed popularity. With the help of Java technology and its ton of free resources, one can create software or an application such as remote working apps, virtual private networks, and other such applications to make Remote services more efficient.


As people were saying that Java will be dead soon, but the fact is that Java is in demand and will stay in demand for at least a decade. As a developer, you can benefit from these trends and polish your skills to stay in demand always. We hope that this blog was useful for you. To know more about Java, please checkout Java Tutorial. Thanks for reading!


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