Top cloud trends that can fuel business recovery during the pandemic

Top cloud trends that can fuel business recovery during the pandemic

02 February 2022

The availability of on-demand data processing servers helps businesses to crunch AI and machine learning based data and solve problems at costs directly proportional to usage. Business continuity is a top priority for organisations during the pandemic. Corporations are trying everything to stay chin-up and most have the cloud to thank for.

Cloud spending has increased globally as emerging technologies such as virtualization and edge computing took center stage. The pandemic has been a force multiplier for the cloud. It is expected that the worldwide public cloud end-user spend will grow up by 23% in 2021. Currently most businesses have gone into the cloud, the world is facing the question as to how organisations can leap towards business recovery with the ongoing pandemic.

Let us take up a few solutions. Containerization reduces costs on virtual machines. At the cost of a single virtual machine, businesses can now deploy multiple containers with different applications and thus spread the cost across multiple apps. If they don’t have multiple apps, the same app can be deployed on multiple containers for auto-scaling, aiding higher performance and availability.

Further, automation in CI/CD pipelines helps businesses to cut down manpower costs for maintaining applications. With edge locations across the globe, the content can be quickly delivered to end-users from their nearest point. Content delivery through edge locations also delivers better for businesses without deployment costs.

The key benefit of cloud is its unique capability to be elastic. Organisations that can reserve instances for longer periods in advance, can save cost by at least 50 percent.The availability of on-demand data processing servers helps businesses to crunch AI and based on machine learning data, arrive at models and solve problems at costs are directly proportional according to usage. Businesses frequently need to use a variety of software tools and patterns. The availability of efficient work schedule platforms like Lambda, Payload and workload elasticity management tools, the gap between on-premise tools and cloud-based tools has been closed from several standpoints including performance, quality, software availability, and software processes.

The availability of infrastructure automation templates like Terraform helps businesses to quickly build infrastructure without heavy cost investment. Businesses running mission critical production applications heavily bank on availability and disaster recovery.

The major key points for Cloud are scalability, flexibility, efficiency, and savings. If all these could be achieved along with robust security in compliant cloud infrastructure then business recovery would be a finger-snap and it looks promising this 2021 year.


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