Good Wood Church

Good Wood Church


How do we make a product for a church which would enable wider reach for its activities and daily schedules?


Good Wood church is a body of believers in the Truth of Jesus Christ. They are led by a group of elders who are appointed according to the principles laid out in 1st Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The Restoration Movement, emerging on the Allegheny frontier, gained a foothold in the deep South during the 1840s. Preaching the  restoration of New Testament  Christianity and the unity of all  Christians upon belief in the Bible alone,  the “Reformers” or  “Disciples,” as they were known, followed the advancing  frontier from  Virginia and Kentucky to the Western Reserve.


Good Wood  still have some of the original members of the small  group  from the 1930s with us and they believe that their original mission of trying to base our doctrine and worship on the Bible alone remains in  effect  today. After the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in August of 2005,  we housed over 150 New Orleans residents for a  month, providing them  with shelter, food and other resources to help rebuild  their lives.  We collected over $672,000 in donations for relief efforts and continued to disburse these funds as  families and churches along the Gulf Coast rebuild.