Provide support for various types of authentication methods.
Easy internal sharing of private modules.
Better control of development and deployment workflow.
Better code discovery and sharing within customer’s organization.
npmE consists of Docker, Replicated, the npmE appliance, and the npmE installer bin.
Docker is used to run Replicated and the npmE appliance.
Replicated is npmE’s orchestration software and admin console. It consists of its own Docker images/containers and integration with the underlying operating system.
The npmE bin is a CLI app distributed as a public npm package.
npmE is written in Node.js.
In order to use it, you must have node and npm installed on your host.
npm Enterprise helps large teams share, discover, and re-use code — behind the corporate firewall — so they can build amazing things.
npm Enterprise is the same codebase that powers the public registry.
It works with the same standard npm client you already use, but provides the features needed by larger organizations who are now enthusiastically adopting Node.js.