To succeed in placing three or five choosing marks according to the game mode in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row to win the game.
To implement the functionality to differentiate the “3 in a row” and “5 in a row” game modes on the basis of game board grid size.
To design the game board having different grid size and handle the left, right, up and down click to move the focus on the game board.
To implement multiple game modes under the “3 in a row” and “5 in a row” game category and set the complexity of the game mode.
Initially, we designed the game board having different grid size using the scene graph’s different renderable nodes.
Implemented the multiple poster and rectangle nodes during the gameplay and designed the 15×15 grid size game board. Handled the focus while moving the board.
Implemented the logic in BrightScript for the toughness of the game according to the game mode selected by the user.
Successfully designed the game board having different grid size and handled the left, right, up and down click to move the focus on the game board.
Tic Tac Toe lovers finally found their long lost and most loved game on the Roku Channel Store.