Tower of Hanoi Free | Roku Games | Developed by Tudip

Tower of Hanoi


  • The main challenge in Tower of Hanoi was to implement functionality for the user to pick up a ring from a pole, move to focus area of the desired pole, and place it there. But after grilling our brains around, we finally achieved the flying colors.
  • Then came the thrilling logic to reserve and hold user’s best score and time. It was a bit complicated in the beginning, but we were able get through that.
  • Initially, we affixed the root game board design, which can be called as the playground.
  • User can select the number of rings (at-least 3 and at-most 10) by using the ring selector.
  • Basically the user has 3 poles. First holding the selected rings, middle pole as a helper pole, and the last one as the target pole.
  • In short, getting the EXACT replica of the ring pattern from 1st pole to the 3rd pole in proper order using the 2nd pole, is the total work-around the game.