An Ultimate Guide to Win 1st Position on Google SERP

An Ultimate Guide to Win 1st Position on Google SERP

25 March 2022

An Ultimate Guide to Win 1st Position on Google SERP

High-quality content matters a lot!

If you want your pages to rank in the SERPs, you should craft excellent content that wins.

But publishing top-quality content is not as easy as most people think.

Yes, it’s right.

Indeed, it is one of the challenging tasks.

So what factors should I consider in writing tailor-made content that ranks in the SERPs?

The truth is that there is not a secret formula for writing well-knit content. Panic not!

This guide will help you write top-notch content that attracts readers to your page.

Let’s dive into it.

What is top-quality content?

Writing well-crafted content is critical for SEO. It is:

  • Valuable
  • Informative
  • Updated
  • Authentic
  • To the point

Your main purpose is to increase social media shares, right?

Your content will be sharable if you write content as per your readers’ queries.

Nine steps to write top-level content 

Do not dive into the writing phase. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Identify your target audience

    If you want to write content that people love to share, you should focus on your target audience.

    Before writing content, you should know what your target audience wants.

    These two points will help you identify your audience:

    • Ask readers to provide their feedback
    • Ask them to share your content
  2. Research suitable keywords

    Google loves content that is updated and credible. Do keyword research. This will help you write content that meets readers’ needs.

    Keywords enable you to reach your target audience.

    Moreover, you can use SEO keyword tools like Semrush, ahref, etc.

  3. Write engaging Meta titles and descriptions

    First things first!

    Insert the main keywords in Meta titles and descriptions. Remember, Google highlights the main keywords.

    You should not stuff keywords. Additionally, you should avoid using robotic language.

    Furthermore, titles and descriptions should not exceed 60 and 160 characters, respectively. Google will hide characters exceeding this character count.

    • How to stick within the character count?

    An Ultimate Guide to Win 1st Position on Google SERP

    This is where a free word counter comes into handy. A reliable word counter is one of the most significant factors when writing an article’s title and description.

    In addition, it helps you to stick to a particular character and word count. Plus, it also assists you in measuring your typing speed.

    In a nutshell, a word counter helps you to craft compelling titles and descriptions.

  4. Craft top-notch content

    Before writing the content, ask yourself these questions:

    What impeccable services can I provide? How are my services better than others?

    How can I provide people with valuable information?

    These questions will help you target readers’ pain points.

    Remember, your introduction should provide the article’s summary, including what you will unveil.

    A reader’s attention is shorter than you think. So lit their interest from the very beginning!

    Keep it concise and simple.

  5. Focus on your subject matter

    Break down the key points into smaller manageable chunks to stay within limits. You should bind your readers’ eyes to your content.

    Remember, search engines prefer to rank longer articles. So, you have to write more than 1000 words.

  6. Write a rough draft

    The keywords and outline in front of you help you understand where the text will go.

    So, it’s time to fill it with information.

    The benefit of a first draft is that it does not have to be flawless. Instead, it is the bulk of the information gathered so far.

    The most important aspect is that you begin producing the SEO content from the beginning to the end. In this way, you will have enough time to make improvements later.

    The post should be divided into three sections: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

    The introduction must be compelling enough to draw the reader in and entice them to continue reading. The answers to the three questions will be included in the body.

    The conclusion section should be a good way to wrap up the piece. Keep an eye on the introduction and make sure the loop is closed in this portion. In this part, you can include links to your service pages.

    When writing, keep track of your time. If you have a word count in mind, compose your first draft and observe how long it takes you.

    This is a terrific approach to managing your time and consistently producing high-quality content.

  7. Include photographs and other visual content in your article

    Readers will remember it far better if you include visual content in your posts.

    Yes, you have heard correct!

    Including visual content in your writing will not only improve your article’s readability. Furthermore, interesting videos keep visitors on your site for longer periods, which Google records.

  8. Revision

    Now that the first draft is complete, it’s time to proofread it for any flaws. Again, give yourself plenty of time before diving into the editing phase.Building trust with your audience takes patience. It can be rapidly broken if they discover random spelling errors.Remove all the typos, grammatical, and syntactical errors.

    Most significantly, it is usually beneficial to have a second set of eyes evaluate and revise the text in order to produce high-quality SEO-friendly content.

  9. Keyword placement

    After you have proofread and edited the content, make sure that you have included all of the important keywords.

    There are hundreds of thousands of blog entries on the internet that are not ranked. The reason for this is that Google cannot match the material to any important search terms.

    This can be avoided by including the most significant keywords in the headings and body.

Final thoughts

The goal of modern SEO content is to attract your target audience. Your brand will be successful if you create valuable content for the readers.

Google has a greater understanding of your target market than you do. Google’s main goal is to help consumers find exactly what they are looking for.

If you can assist the search engine, you will be able to achieve a higher search engine ranking.

Writing strong SEO content is an art that takes time and effort to master.

Put yourself in the position of a reader.

Writing to your audience is the key to creating high-quality content.


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