Artificial Intelligence Building blocks
Artificial intelligence refers to software that performs tasks in a similar way to the human brain, often detecting and responding to a characteristic of its environment.
Agile Methodology and DevOps Relationship
In today’s time of software, the development industry Agile and its complementary DevOps are two methodologies that are being used more and more by developers for developing the project efficiently...
SOLID Principles
In this article, we’ll learn SRP and why it’s important, and what all issues you’ll face in the long run if you don’t follow SRP.
L1-L4 Product Support
Product support plays a vital role in the customer experience. Hence it is very necessary to understand how product support works in detail. Product support is divided into four levels...
Image Classification and Performance measures
Image classification is supervised learning [the process under human supervision] in the field of AI and ML world and used to identify the objects [images] among others.
Turn any Dataflow pipeline into a reusable template
Dataflow templates allow you to use the Google Cloud Console, the gcloud command-line tool, or REST API calls to set up your pipelines on Google Cloud and run them.
Here’s how optimization can help
The launch of the product is a big event, yes but it doesn’t end there. After the launch of the product starts the service aspect. Customers can be retained only...
Managing Builds and HTML files for Different Environment in Angular
In my last projects, we always had the same requirement: Build the application once and deploy the same build fragment to multiple environments. This leads to some technical challenges, as...
How to Perform Sentiment Analysis in NL API?
Sentiment analysis makes use of textual content evaluation, biometrics, computational linguistics, and natural language processing to identify, extract, quantify, and take a look at affective states and subjective information.
Docker Networking
Docker runs the application inside the docker containers, and as different parts of the application present in different containers, all the containers should be connected with each other for the...
How to create Custom Directives in Angular?
What is an Angular Directive? Directives are the functions that are used to manipulate the DOM behavior and it is executed whenever Angular compiler finds it.
Cloud Composer: A Managed Apache Airflow Service
Cloud Composer is a fully managed workflow orchestration service which is built on Airflow. It is a hosted solution for Airflow, which is an open-source platform to programmatically author, schedule,...
Tools/Code used for Regression Testing
What is Regression Testing? Regression is a type of testing to verify that a recent program or code change has not adversely affected existing features.
How to migrate an on-premise application to AWS Cloud?
What is AWS migration and why is it needed? Before moving on to the process of migration, let’s talk about what it is and why it is needed.
Understanding Graceful Shutdowns on Cloud Run
Cloud Run is a completely managed compute platform which lets us run any stateless containers on serverless.No need for Infrastructure with cloud run. Read here
Reduce App size for Android in React native
In today’s world, user’s like to have apps, which are not too large, particularly where devices work on pay by byte usage plans. Learn the techniques to Reduce App size...
The top technology trends for 2021
Top technology trends for 2021 are the Internet of Behaviours, Distributed cloud, Privacy-enhancing computation, Anywhere operations, and Cybersecurity mesh. Read more here.
Using Zebra Printer API in Rails App
Explore how to use Zebra Printer API in Rails App and how we can implement the APIs using this gem to generate the ZPL string according to the need for...
Website Testing Guide: How to Test a Website?
What is Web Testing? Testing the application for finding the potential bugs before it's going to live and accessible to the public. Read more about the website testing.
5 practices to manage your multi-cloud environment
Multi-cloud space is maturing and becoming a mainstream component of enterprise IT environments. Check out the 5 practices to manage a multi-cloud environment.