7 UX Tips For Your Next Website Redesign

7 UX Tips For Your Next Website Redesign

07 September 2021


Photo Credit: Unsplash

The success of a website is determined by how easily visitors can navigate pages. It is measured by the functionality, scalability, and accessibility of different features. The usability of your website lies in how easily it engages and converts page visitors.

Because of this, user experience(UX) holds a top priority in website design. The graphics, mobile responsiveness, and speed play a significant role in who comes and stays on your website. For both new and website redesign processes, UX elements determine the success of your digital marketing efforts.

1. Keep it Recognizable


Photo Credit: Pixabay

With the many website designs coming up every day, it’s natural that you want to add all the latest UX features. These trends can be exciting, but including them all at once can be confusing to visitors.

Because of this, it is necessary to adopt designs with minimal differences. For example, maintaining the position of navigation menus can be less confusing to your visitors. This is because your return users won’t have to relearn how to navigate your website again.

This saves time and makes the elements effective enough for users to want to share the feeling with others.

2. User Understanding is Key

Before redesigning your website, remember that your business website isn’t for you. It is for a target market that may be interested in what you offer.

And since a target market encompasses different buyer personas, it is important to understand yours. First, carry out extensive market research with different data-driven marketing personas.

Next, segment your audience based on location, demographic, and interest. You are bound to have new and returning visitors coming to your website. Because of this, you must include accessible elements that keep them on your pages for longer. Have clickable navigation menus in the best positions on your pages.

In instances where a web design company is handling your redesign process, share previous client data. Include data that shows new, return, and bounced visits. With this information, a top website design company will include features that attract massive attention.

The benefit of employing professionals is that they understand the previous and current markets. They have tools that capture real-time data of the latest trends. A good look at your analytics will reveal what needs to stay or change in your website.

3. Have a Simple but Functional Layout

Every company gets excited with website redesigning. Every UX element that increases the conversion rate is always a welcome idea.

But like every other digital marketing process, it is never wise to add all available features. While it might be fun exploring every button, it is vital to start with what’s functional.

If you need people to subscribe to your email list through your homepage, concentrate on elements that make this possible. Avoid complex paths that make it difficult for visitors to finally get to the subscribe button.

Remember, complex UX elements are never a good choice during a website redesign. Your first priority should be to understand the core purpose of your website. You also need to avoid missing out on basic elements that improve the experience.

4. Leverage on Responsive Design

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Accessibility is a critical feature in any website design. An accessible website attracts, engages, and converts the right audience.

Since as many people access websites on phones as those on computers, have a website that performs well on all devices. The appearance of your website on a phone, tablet, or computer should deliver the same satisfaction to your users.

Regarding the functionality of buttons, ensure that they are in places that can be accessed on a specific device. If previous results show fewer visitors accessed your contact page on the phone, consider this in your following website redesign process.

Remember that every user expects to have information readily available to them regardless of the device they use. And as an online business, it is essential to leverage a responsive website to improve user experience on any device.

5. Invest in Your HomePage

Your homepage is the entryway to your website. It gives visitors the first opportunity to engage with you.

Because of this, top priority buttons, like CTAs, should be in easy-to-locate positions. For easy navigation, also ensure that the contact page, news or blog page, about page, and content (programs, services, products/ what we offer) are accessible from the homepage. Your homepage should serve as a gateway to every other page on your website.

6. Ask For Feedback from Your Users

If you’re redesigning your site, it means your company has a current website.

And although popular belief is that redesign is a super complicated and ridiculously inconvenient process, the truth is that it is pretty simple.

What makes it an easy process is that you can solicit ideas from your consumers. Feedback from visitors will give you an idea of what they are looking for in your website.

Luckily, there are tons of free and paid survey tools that you can use to collect feedback. For example, using a survey on your high-impact pages will deliver expectations for the next redesign.

Remember not to focus more on the number of responses. Instead, focus on the valuable qualitative data you can use on your website.

7. Check the Speeds

Nothing puts off a visitor quicker than a website that loads slowly.

And if you have been struggling with slow load time, consider improving speeds in the next redesign.

Check the image sizes and if you have issues with large files, use compression tools to resize. Additionally, consider web caching to reduce bandwidths. Web caching stores previous searches and reduces the weight of your server. Because of this, your website loads faster on the next search.

Additionally, run your page through regular speed checks. This will limit instances of speed issues being addressed only during a website redesign process.

Don’t Settle

Cheers to the excellent job of redesigning your new website. The next step is to keep the system live, exciting, and booming at all times. With the right tools and team, your site can be constantly maintained and measured.

Since your company is looking for endless ways to improve user experience, constantly comb through the available data to identify your website’s shortcomings. Then develop creative and innovative ideas to address these shortcomings.

As your business grows, ensure that you adjust to the latest healthy trends for your site. Pick valuable information from experts to constantly improve UX.


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