How to integrate DocuSign in a .Net project?
DocuSign is an eSignature technology that provides a way to sign the document electronically. The features of DocuSign include user identity management and authentication services.
5 UI Animation Trends To Look Out For In 2021
With UI becoming more and more innovative, it’s inevitable that animation eventually became an integral element of user interface design. Read more to explore more about the UI trends.
App Center API
Visual Studio App Center puts many common resources together into a cloud solution for DevOps. To design, test, and distribute software, developers use the App Center.
Basics of Video.js
When HTML5 introduced the and tags, they made our media files genuinely accessible to the Internet. Read more here
Scriptless Test Automation: Transforming Software Testing
In recent years, there have been several changes in the world of technology. An equivalent has happened within the software testing world where Test Automation has evolved to facilitate rapid...
Clevertap Integration in React Native
CleverTap is a platform for customer retention that offers app integration features and also provides analytics and marketing. Read more here
Tudip has been announced as Top Cloud App Development Companies of 2021
Tudip Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a CMMI level 3 company that focuses on building long-term relationships with clients by providing high-quality services to them.
LiveData: Android
LiveData is one of the first architectural components. It is a simple lifecycle-aware observable data holder. Dependency: implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata:$lifecycle_version".
Quill Text-Editor Implementation in ASP.NET
Quill is a free, open-source modern rich text editor built for the modern web application. With its descriptive API and modular configuration, it is completely customizable to fit any need.
Application deployment, Debugging, and Performance on the GCP
In the application deployment, debugging, and performance, We will cover topics that every developer needs to know, in order to increase release velocity and to build highly reliable applications.
Revamp Quality Assurance: QA to QE
Difference between QA and QE? Quality Assurance “assures” quality of the product, but quality engineering drives the development of quality products and processes.
Why It Makes Sense to Design Simple Websites
Every website has a purpose, and at the root of it, that purpose is to provide an excellent user experience. That demands that sites interact with their users in the...
State Management in Vue using Vuex
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state...
How to implement AWS IoT core communication in .NET Framework application using MQTT?
We can publish and subscribe messages on AWS IoT core by establishing a connection to it. In .Net Framework we have multiple options for connecting to AWS IoT core.
Async and Await in C#
If a programmer wants to run some part of code separately from the main thread execution, he/she will make use of Asynchronous Programming. Read here
Dataprep on GCP
Cloud Dataprep is a Trifacta-operated integrated partner service focused on their industry-leading approach for data preparation. Read more
Localisation using react-intl
React-Intl, part of the FormatJS set of libraries used for Internationalization. Internationalization is the mechanism used for localization for the visitor belonging to different regions and languages.
Process and Strategies used for Cloud Migration
What is Cloud Migration? Cloud Migration is the process of moving applications and it’s infrastructure (On-premises or from another Cloud provider) to the cloud provider of your choice.
Expenses 101 for New Business Owners
One of the biggest challenges you'll face when setting up your own business is accounting. Keeping track of your expenses is especially critical, as it can save you money in...
Stripe integration in Rails
What is Stripe? Stripe, a service provider based in San Francisco, California, United States, is an American financial services and software company.